Medical Abortion(The Abortion Pill)

Medical abortion uses medications to end a pregnancy rather than surgical abortion. The experience is very similar to having a miscarriage where cramping and vaginal bleeding occurs to expel a pregnancy.

AMAC offers medical abortion up to 63 days of pregnancy and usually within five working days of your request, sometimes less.

There are now fully funded medical abortions for NZ healthcare eligible patients living in the Waitematā, Auckland and Counties Manukau areas. 

Pre-abortion tests are required before a medical abortion procedure. Tests can be arranged through your own health professional or by booking a pre-abortion test appointment at AMAC where they are all done onsite.

The cost of the medical abortion care  for non- funded patients is $1,580.00


For non funded patients other fees may also apply (For Pricelist click here).


The minimum test requirements for AMAC:


  • Gestational dating ultrasound scan.
  • Blood group.
  • Haemoglobin.
  • Chlamydia and high vaginal swabs.


Once the pre-abortion tests are complete the medical abortion procedure requires one visit to AMAC which takes approximately 3 – 4 hours.

The abortion appointment includes a medical/ social history consultation before the first medications are taken at AMAC. Counselling services are available and included where required.
The second medications are provided and prescribed for you to take at home 1-2 days later when the abortion will occur in the privacy of your own home with telephone support from one of our health professionals.

Two further blood tests are required to confirm the pregnancy has ended.
Please refer to our Fact Sheets for full details on the Medical Abortion procedure, what to expect during and after medical abortion and a Comparison of Early Abortion Methods.

You should also read the information sheet about coming to your appointment.
