Surgical Abortion

Surgical Abortion Procedure (Suction Abortion) at AMAC.


The surgical abortion procedure (sometimes called suction abortion) at AMAC uses vacuum aspiration to remove a pregnancy. AMAC offers surgical abortion up to 14 weeks of pregnancy and usually within five working days of your request, sometimes less.

There are now fully funded surgical abortions for healthcare eligible patients living in the Waitematā, Auckland and Counties Manukau areas. 

Pre-abortion tests are required before the abortion procedure. Tests can be arranged through your own health professional or by booking a pre-abortion test appointment at AMAC where they are all done onsite.

The cost of the surgical abortion procedure for non-funded patients is $1,580.00


For non-funded patients (For Pricelist click here).

The minimum test requirements for AMAC

  • Gestational dating ultrasound scan.
  • Blood group.
  • Haemoglobin.
  • Chlamydia and high vaginal swabs.

The surgical abortion appointment includes counselling (if required) a medical/ social history consultation, contraception assistance and the procedure. The procedure is performed with a local anaesthetic, pain control and intravenous sedation (drowsy not asleep).

Although the suction procedure is a relatively quick part of your day, you should plan to be at the clinic for up to six hours to ensure you are fully informed and recovered.

The procedure is usually requires one visit at our clinic. Due to the sedation medication used in the procedure you must arrange someone to accompany you home, you must not drive yourself home.

Please refer to our Fact Sheet for full details on the Surgical Abortion procedure, what to expect during and after surgical abortion and a Comparison of Early Abortion Methods.

You should also read the information sheet about coming to your appointment.
